Anterior two thirds reconstruction :

Procedure details :

Age 27

Norwood scale: 5

Origin: Caucasian

Previous surgery: no

Previous anti hair loss drug treatment: no

Punch: Manual / motorized 0.80mm

Coronal incisions made with customized blades. Average size 0.80 mm

Average donor area density: 75/cm2

Medium hair size: 70 microns

Hair/ FU ratio: 2.49

Total: 3798 grafts

Through this case, we would like to emphasize the importance of reconstructing the temporal triangles/peaks/angles when necessary. Our 27-year-old patient clearly has a concave hairline recession, which distorts the face and reduces its harmony. Reconstructing this temporal triangle (which certainly has technical requirements) redefines the natural and youthful appearance of the face and brings an undeniable plus in terms of aesthetic.